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“The only thing you are going to do today is: what you do today.  Therefore, the only thing there is to do today is: what you do today.  That’s all there was to do when you started no matter what you thought or think.

Most people go around thinking that what there is to do today is all that stuff that there is to do, that is to say, everything that isn’t done.  This is a lie.  This lie leads to stupidity.  This stupidity leads to ineffectiveness.  The ineffectiveness leads to fewer results being produced, leaving, apparently, more to be done.  And there you have the downward spiral which is unworkability.

The only thing there is to do today is: what you actually do today!  There is nothing else to do today!  You get it?  There isn’t anything to do today except what you actually do.  That’s all there is to do today.  Do you get it?  If you do actually get it, you should feel the muscles in your body begin to relax.  A sense of freedom and power begins to well up within you.

Now, you want to go to work, get to it, get at it, get it done.  And here you have the upward spiral which is workability.”

Werner Erhard – Workability

Your life and my life have turned out, and once you get that, life goes on from a position of having turned out.  That’s called playing the game from win.

-Werner Erhard

Werner Erhard talking with two people