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“Love is granting another the space to be the way they are and the way they are not”

-Werner ErhardGonneke Spits and Werner Erhard

Werner Erhard and Gonneke Spits.


“Let’s take a look at the nature of now. What I’ve noticed with the people I’ve interacted with is that everyone who truly experiences right here, right now, actually sees that it’s all perfect exactly the way it is. When I am being myself, nothing more and nothing less – when I am doing exactly what I am doing – when I am allowing what is so around me to be exactly like it is – when I am being right here instead of where I am going – when I am observing it all just as it is without adding any judgments or evaluations or comparing it, then I observe that it is perfect.” – Werner Erhard

Werner Erhard

“At all times and under all circumstances, we have the power to transform the quality of our lives.”

-Werner Erhard

“Living is really pretty simple. Living happens right now; it doesn’t happen back then, and it doesn’t happen out there. Living is not the story of your life. Living is the process of experiencing right now.”

-Werner Erhard – From a talk given in San Francisco on May 23, 1973 – Read the entire talk